Image Medicine is a new and unique advanced discipline in medical science, which has its theoretical system, which has been created consequently of revival and development of diagnostic and treatment methods of the ancient ingenious Chinese healers Bian Que and Hua Tuo. Image Medicine based on the diagnosis of diseases through examination and treatment, based on the vision and changes of image, as well as a result of the integration of modern medicine knowledge, quantum physics and other natural sciences. Its scientific theory, unique, simple and effective methods of treatment without causing pain to the patient and without side effects deserve the attention of scientific and medical communities. Image Medicine develops and improves an ancient method of the diagnostics of Traditional Chinese Medicine – pulse diagnostics and develops a method of “inner vision of images” of outstanding healer – Bian Que, is a natural medicine.

It is based on such methods and theories of ancient healers Bian Que and Hua Tuo, as the “inner vision”, “diagnosis with vision”, “image pulse diagnosis”, “the image of the internal organs.”
Image Medicine is a product of integration of energy, information, physical and traditional Chinese medicines. It pays special attention to the regenerative function of the body. Applying energy, information, causal diagnosis it is possible precisely determine the location, nature and cause of the disease.
During the diagnostics, experts pay attention not only for the external symptoms of the disease, but also on the internal, thereby achieving mastery of the ancient great doctor Bian Que who performed the diagnostics “at a glance”.

Bian Que Image Medicine is based on creative thinking, takes as a model – Jing (substance), Qi (energy) and Shen (information), uses the images for diagnostic and image changing for treatment.
Professor Xu Mingtang first generalized knowledge of pulse diagnosis of this school and said that pulse diagnosis has 3 levels: the pulse beating, pulse energy and pulse image. The image of the pulse – is the highest level of diagnostics.
Through this pulse diagnosis it is possible directly receive information and image of health state, determine the location and nature of the disease. At the beginning of pulse diagnosis session doctor palpate by fingertips the patient’s pulse and the feeling under fingers are converted in the brain to images of the location and nature of the disease. With help of image you can see the psychological, physical and emotional state.
Professor Xu Mingtang is the successor to “Bian Que” school, he continues to share the secret knowledge of TCM to the world, returning hereby, the ancient stream of TCM – school “Bian Que” former glory. He healed many people with intractable diseases, he is currently conducting lectures in more than 26 countries around the world. He made a great contribution to the development of health care. – More information about professor Xu Mingtang in section ” Kundawell / Grand master Xu Mingtang” –

In journal “Medicine and Philosophy” professor Lee Botson published an article entitled “Bian Que and “Bian Que” school, a few questions about the history of TCM”. The article says that in the Warring States Period and Qin Han Dynasty (300 BC – 220 AD) many written sources and archaeological finds prove: 1. In the period of Warring States and Qin Han Dynasty the proceedings of “Bian Que” school were the most popular in society. 2. During the Han Dynasty (202 B.C. – 220 A.D.) public opinion considered Bian Que as all-knowing doctor. 3. During the Han Dynasty the number of doctors in the ” Bian Que ” school was much more than in other schools. 4. In the period of Warring States and Qin Han Dynasty among people there were a great number of legends about Bian Que.
In the history of medicine there are so many famous and successful scientists, there are so many doctors from the people. In the history of Traditional Chinese medicine the period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties (420-589) was the most prolific on number of doctors, on known generations of doctors and the number of written works.
From 7 generations of the family Xu came 12 famous doctors, among them Xu Daodu, Xu Venbo, Xu Chenbo, Xu Dzhitsay, Xu Dzhifan. They served in the Imperial palace and studied at the Imperial School of Medicine, highly respected by emperor.
The first doctor in the family Xu was Xu Xi, who loves the art of Lao Tzu and the Yellow Emperor, the retirement in the mountains. One day Taoist monk passed by him and asked him for water for drinking, leaving him with a pumpkin, he said, “Let your kids use this thing in a pumpkin to save other people, it will be a decent reward”. Xu Xi opened the pumpkin and found in it the “Mirror canon Bian Que”. Since then, he has devoted himself to the study of medicine and later in life became a famous doctor. Starting with the Tang Dynasty (618-907), representatives of “Bian Que” school becomes less. During the Jin Dynasty (960-1279) was another historic turning point in medicine, again, there was the development of the school. For example, a respected physician Xu Xi has specialized in the treatment of diseases with help of acupuncture and he cured the Emperor, for which he received large gifts from him and told him that went to pray and thank their teacher Bian Que. In the period of Song Dynasty during the reign of Emperor Shen Zones and Jae Sohn (1068 – 1100) a famous doctor Pan An said: “If compare the works of the Yellow Emperor and Bian Que, it can be said that over the world the most profound knowledge had Bian Que” (record “Song Stories, Biography of An Pan”).
The methods used in Medical Research Institute “Kundawell”
1. Image therapy
2. Acupuncture
3. Moxibustion
4. Massotherapy
5. Vacuum therapy (cupping massage)
6. Massage Gua sha (Chinese scraper)
7. Method of applying medication
8. Therapeutic baths with herbs
9. Chiropractic
10. Auricular therapy
11. Therapy abdomen (navel)
12. Fire treatment
13. Healing Qigong
14. Tao Yin (Taoist Yoga)
15. Taijiquan
16. Diet therapy
17. Music therapy

The course is intended for:• Healers, Qigong practitioners, bioenergy-therapists, Reiki therapists, massage therapists;
• Instructors and practitioners of ZYQ;
• Physicians, who are interested in innovative treatment methods and methods of Traditional Chinese medicine;
• Image therapists, who have attended Image Medicine workshops of Master Xu Mingtang (Parts I and II).
You will get the opportunity to:
• learn how to diagnose various diseases using Image Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) techniques;
• learn how to treat common diseases using Image Medicine and TCM;
Training program:1. The main discipline: «Image Medicine»
Professors: Mingtang Xu, Smirnova Olga, Kuznetsova Flyura.
• Basic theory.
• Diagnosis of diseases.
• Image Medicine methods of healing.
• Practice to develop the diagnostic and healing abilities.
• Practical application of diagnosis and healing skills.
• Specifics of Image therapist’s work.
• Examination (theory and practice).
2. Section «Traditional Chinese Medicine»
Teachers: Lee Binlin, Li Jun, Zhang Zihui.
• Basic Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
• The theory of energy channels and points.
• Diagnosis of diseases by TCM methods.
• Theory and practice of acupressure.
• Use of cups in TCM.
• Chinese “Tuina” massage.
• The method of “Guasha” (Chinese scraper).
• Moxibustion.
• Examination (theory and practice).
Graduates of the course are issued:• Graduation certificate of Kundawell Institute.
• Researcher Certificate of Beijing and American Kundawell Research Institute.
• Image Therapist Certificate level 5.
More information about upgraded higher levels of Image Medicine Therapeuts are described on offical website of Kundawell, here.
Also list of all Image Medicine Therapuets you can find on website of Kundawell, here.

The celebration was attended by over 1,000 people, among whom were medical professionals, scientists, psychologists, biologists, specialists of Image Medicine, known doctors from Russia, China, Great Britain, Hungary, Slovakia, Latvia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Kazakhstan and other countries.
In the summer of 2016 was already the 6th International conference of Chinese Image Medicine, this time organized for the first time in China. Previous conferences were in Russia 1st , Ukranie 2nd , Latvia 3rd , Russia 4th, Slovakia 5th , Kazachstan 7th , and the nearest one is ready on October 2018 in Budapest – Hungary.
Some parts from the speeches: The Secretary General of the “World Federation of Traditional Chinese Medicine» (WFCMS), China – Professor Li Zheng Zhi in his report said, that the Image Medicine – is the most recent universal system of diagnosis and treatment, which was created by Professor Xu Mingtang, based on the experience of TCM and Western medicine, theory and methods of modern medical technology. Methods of Image Medicine trusted and warmly welcomed all over the world. The last twenty years, IM rapidly developed in all countries, thereby making an invaluable contribution to health care in the world.
Director of International Cooperation Department “China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine”, China – Professor Sung Yong Zhang said: “The specifics of Image Medicine is not only in its image and theory, but also in the fact that it considers life as a unity of information, energy and substance, and that diseases may also exist at these three levels, or at one of them. Image Medicine has its own unique methods of diagnosis and changing image. Image can be changed by informational, energy and substance methods. By changing the image can be cured the information, energy and physical illnesses, improved the relationship between these three levels”.